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Portion Bereshit

Creation is designed to exist six thousand years, they compared six days G-d created the world: one day = thousand years. This suggests that the Book of Psalms in verse: "For a thousand years for..."

Portion Noach

Flood was named after Noah – "Noah's water". Question is why the Flood is called "Noah's water", and indeed Noah was not guilty at the flood, being righteous? Said that in the Zohar, that since Noah..

Portion Lech Lecha

This command, G-d wanted Abraham will go and will buy himself the Land of Israel. Indeed, he heard the commandment of G-d, Abraham went to Israel and walk there breadth and longitude. This walk, he...

Portion V'ayera

Rashi asks about that, in his commentary on the Torah: "What is the "boys" in the plural?" And Explain: "On the feast the women brought their children with them and Sarah nursed them. They say:...

Portion Chayei Sarah

Rashi: "I came today - he jumped out the country." In other words, a miracle happened to Eliezer Abraham's servant, and he went in one day - through a walk over 17 days usually by leap.

Portion Toldot

Our sages of blessed memory said: "When the voice sounds of Jacob - no hands of Esau." In other words: when Jacob's voice, the voice of the Torah, there was not Esau's hands control.

Portion V'yetze

When Jacob was about to leave the land of Israel to Charan, before he came to the house of Eiver (Yeshivah of Eiver), and invested himself fourteen years studying Torah. Then, when he came to Mount...

Portion V'ayishlach

"And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother" (32, 4). The Torah tells us at length about Jacob sent messengers (angels) to appease his brother Esau. Chassidic teaching explains:...

Portion V'ayeshev

The verse, "and sat Jacob" our Sages say: "asked Jacob to sit calmly, jumped Joseph's anger. G-d says, not enough righteous what is prepared for them the next world, but, they want to settle peacefull

Portion Miketz

"And at the end of two years" (41, 1). This verse opens the redemption story of Joseph from prison and when he came to an end ("after") period of his imprisonment.

Portion V'ayigash

"He sent Judah before him to Joseph, teach when it is ahead Goshen" (46, 28). Interpreted this as our rabbis of blessed memory said: "before the descent of Jacob himself to Egypt, he sent Judah...

Portion V'ayechi

"And Jacob called his sons and said; gather together and I will tell you what will happen to you in the end of days" (49, 1). Our sages of blessed memory say that: "asked Jacob to reveal to his...