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Portion Vayishlach

"And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother" (32, 4).

The Torah tells us at length about Jacob sent messengers (angels) to appease his brother Esau. Chassidic teaching explains: At the time Jacob was ready for redemption completed. He learned much Torah and served the G-d with all his heart, and all the difficulties he had when he was at Lavan's house, in Haran, did not prevent him from having Taryag (613) commandments elegance.

He in turn was about ready for the true and complete redemption. So he sent messengers to his brother to check on the spiritual condition - whether he is ready for redemption? But the angels answer came swiftly: "We came to your brother Esau": "your brother" – still "Esau" is still evil in his actions.

Esau at the time was not ready, so was rejected salvation, but our time, after so many years of existence Torah - despite all the difficulties of exile - there is no doubt that everything is ready for redemption. Not only people of Israel, but also the nations of the world - "Esau" are already ready.