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Portion Chayei – Sarah

"I am Avraham's servant ... Avraham, my owner swore me ... to my father's house to go take a wife for my son, and I came now to the well". (24, 34-42)

Rashi: "I came today - he jumped out the country." In other words, a miracle happened to Eliezer Abraham's servant, and he went in one day - through a walk over 17 days usually by leap.
We must ask: what was needed this special miracle, and more - why Eliezer told this?

Midrash say, Rivkah, being at her father Betuel, was "lily among thorns." On the one hand, rose to their defense needs of thorns, on the other hand, for the rose gardener cultivates the whole area, and thus are also thorns and irrigation to be treated special, so they derive their vitality thanks to the rose.

Rivkah arrived at the age of three years and one day, becoming worthy to marry to Isaac, Avraham felt right about it, on his spirituality eyes. He immediately called his slave Eliezer and ordered him:  "to the country where I was born to go, take a wife for Isaac." Until the age of marriage she is the possession of thorns, and the power of Avraham to do any action to take her away, not even an initial action, like sending a messenger. But the day she was the appropriate age, lost control of the thorns on her, and Avraham came to take her from them right away.

That is why the miracle happened Eliezer came to her that day - so as not to miss a moment. This is also why Eliezer told her family about the leap that occurred to him: he knew that Lavan and Betuel will seek to delay the departure of Rivkha, as she rose glorifies the family, so he added to them: "I came today!" As saying: You should know that every precious moment and cannot linger, as proof, a miracle occurred because of the leap: "Today I went out, and today I came."

Now, what happened to fathers, it is a sign for children:

As Rivkah redeemed from the "thorns", was one brief moment - when, but became a proper marriage, taken immediately to be the bride of Isaac - that Israel's salvation: G-d will rush to the redemption, so that no time remains in exile unnecessary.