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Portion Noach

Flood was named after Noah – "Noah's water". Question is why the Flood is called "Noah's water", and indeed Noah was not guilty at the flood, being righteous? Said that in the Zohar, that since Noah did not pray for his generation, flood is named. But this issue also raises wonder: Why Noah did not pray for his generation and teaches them right?

This was because, before the flood, there was no possibility of repentance in the world. At that time there were only two extremes: on one hand the righteous each generation, kept the commandments given to the first man studied the Torah, on the other side, the sinners, it says: "earth is full of violence."  There was not a situation of repentance.

Any exceptions, among who was a matter of repentance, were Adam and Cain. They were able to repent because they were some time in Paradise: Adam was created in paradise and Cain born. Their connection to heaven gave them the opportunity to repent and revoke his decree that Paradise is over the world. But the in the, world in those days was not possible repentance.

Thus the Talmud states: Noah proved his generation, and answered a mocking response - they were derogatory him. That is, his admonition could not affect his generation to repent, because before the flood was the material world so firm, that did not allow the repentance, that interest purification.

Renewed the repentance comes by the flood, cleansing the world of his stuff, and purify the world, so can the repentance. So say that when Noah came out from the ark - "He saw a new world." World after the flood is indeed "new world" - a world that has the possibility to repent.

It is indeed a huge innovation, like no other even in the upper worlds. Only here, in this world can be a situation where the person can sin and then repent. This thing was created by the flood, which created a different reality of the world, a world that has the possibility of repentance. Flood discovered the infinite power of G-d, the Almighty that only he can power to repent and change malicious to rights.

This explains the conflicting references to Noah: On the one hand, the flood was named after Noah, and that's negative, because he did not pray for the people of his generation; on the other hand the flood was called "Noah's water", a positive sense, as they say: "that I swore would no longer would be another "Noah's water" on the ground, so I swore not to be angry on you or scold you", a positive prediction, that was said about the time of redemption.

Both of these differences represent the two periods in the life of Noah - before the flood and after flood. Noah lived before the flood the world with no possibility of repentance, and therefore did not pray for the people of his generation. However, after the flood opened a new era, a time when given the opportunity to repent and even make the evil to good, good to the sublime of redemption.