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Portion Shmot

Portion Vaera

Portion Yitro

Portion Mishpatim

portion Truma

Portion Tezhave

Portion Ki-Tisah

Portion Vayakhel

Portion Pkukei

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Portion Shmot

The greatest difficulty of bondage in Egypt was that the Egyptians embitter the lives of the children of Israel - "The Egyptians embitter their lives." Our sages interpret embittering of life made...

Portion V'aera

rabbi nachman nachmenson teach torah Moses cried out to G-d "Why you did evil thing to this people". The answer that comes at the beginning of this week's reading Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov

Portion Bo

Israel's exodus from Egypt was in a hurry, as they say, "that in a hurry you out of Egypt." Talmud and Midrash said haste was a triple - the Divine Presence haste, haste of the children of Israel

Portion Beshalach

by rabbi nachman nachmenson "And he said, that hand on the throne of Go-d, the war to the Go-d in Amalek from generation to generation".

Portion Yitro

by nachman nachmenson:The purpose of the Exodus from Egypt was receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai, as it says: "When you take out the people from Egypt, you will serve G-d on this mountain."

Portion Mishpatim

rabbi nachman nachmenson is teaching parasha: Although the verse can be understood that one must borrow only the poor, but smart taught us that lend rich command is sometimes..

Portion Truma

parasha by rabbi nachman nachmenson: The Torah tells us, the children of Israel contributed to their property

Portion Tezhave

The bells ringing sound was very important, The Torah says "not die", only with sound of bells will work perfect High Priest, Without the bells sound the high priest's life can be harmed.

Portion Ki-Tisah

parash by rabbi nachman nachmenson: "And you did a copper sink… And put water there. Aaron and his sons washed their hands and feet when they come into the tabernacle".

Portion Vayakhel

parasha by rabbi nachman nachmensonMenorah in the Temple had seven branches, three branches on the right of the middle candle, and three branches from the left side...

Portion Pikudei

parasha by rabbi nachman nachmenson: This week's reading tells of the actual construction of the Tabernacle by Moses and the holy vessels inside the Tabernacle