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Long live the Rebbe King messiah forever

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Portion Pkudei

This week's reading tells of the actual construction of the Tabernacle by Moses and the holy vessels inside the Tabernacle. It was filled with     G-d's desire, will be here in the earth tabernacle holiness.
The verse (Psalms) "It's my rest forever, here I sit that I have desired" there are three opinions presented in the Zhohar: one; the Holy Ark said that, when he arrived to Jerusalem in the Temple at the 'foundation stone'. Second, the children of Israel said that; when the Temple was completed and placed the holy ark in its place. Third; G-d said that about people of Israel, when they are fulfilling the will of God (which G-d sits on his throne, and pity the world, and bestow a blessing, peace and kindness, and said: "This is my rest forever").
These Three differences opinions reflect three approaches to the question of the main interests of tabernacle and temple. By the first opinion; the main need is to have the temple "is a divine rest, that is the Holy Ark", so when the Holy Ark came back, said "It my rest"
According to the second opinion, the main thing is the people of Israel have a permanent place to serve G-d, and therefore children of Israel said that.

According to the third opinion, the Tabernacle's main interest is "I will dwell in them", the Divine Presence rests in Israel, so G-d said "it my rest."
Because "both of these are the words of the living G-d" (and especially these opinions appear in the Zohar, without controversy), it must be said that three of these differences are talking about three different times:
 a) The period of the Tabernacle;
 B) days of the First Temple and the second Temple;
 c) The time of redemption, when the Third Temple will be built.
 The Holy Ark's rest was in the Tabernacle. It was built for the Tabernacle, and it was there all the time since its existence. In contrast, in the first Temple wasn't the Holy Ark's rest, since the late days of the First Temple it was concealed, and in the second Temple was not at all.
Rest with Israel was in the Temple, as we build a permanent home for the Divine Presence. Before that, Tabernacle had wandered from place to place (and therefore a tent called the Tabernacle, as there was not a tenure and rest), and only when the Holy Temple in Jerusalem was build, the Israel came to rest.

G-d's rest will be in time of redemption, in the third Temple. At that time the children of Israel completely fulfill the will of G-d, and the temple will house a permanent, stand up and not be taken longer away from Israel. Therefore, this time G-d is saying to about children of Israel - "This is my rest forever," because then there will be inspiration of G-d about Israel in the "my rest forever," eternal rest and settling openly.