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Tu B'Av

What is Tu B'Av (15 of Av), why celebrate it?
Mishnah on end of Ta'anit, describes the festival as follows:

"Said Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel, were better days for Israel on the fifteenth of Av and Yom Kippur, where the daughters of Jerusalem out white clothes borrowed from others, not to shame the have-nots. All the tools you need to dip. Daughters of Jerusalem out and dance in the vineyards ..."
On Tu B'Av happened to Israel a few happy events and below accessible to others:
  • When the people of Israel wandered in the desert, Moses sent spies to Israel in Israel so that they may spy out the land. Spies at the end of their mission they returned to Israel in the desert and told bad things about Israel. Children of Israel when they heard the "bad news" began to cry and shout: "it is better we die in the desert..." G-d was angry on the people of Israel and the spies and sentence on all of that generation that will not go to Israel. That day is called "episode of the spies" was on the ninth of Av, G-d said you cried just about anything, I will do that this day would be weeping for generations, and indeed many tragic happened to the people of Israel through the generations on this, and of course the two temples were burned that day.
Every year on Tisha B'Av, was the Children of Israel to dig a grave, and get into, and by evening that was left alive out of the tomb and went on his life. So every year thet did it until the eve of the entrance to Israel. On Tisha B'Av the children of Israel had dug a grave like every year and entered. Then came the evening and all remained alive. With Israel at first thought maybe they were wrong date and had not yet reached the ninth of Av, so they went into the tomb every day, until it was Tu B'Av (15th Av.) On Tu B'Av, they saw the full moon and realized it was not wrong on, and the decree passed.
So this day is set for happy memory of good news to the people of Israel were informed of the decree passed of "Spies sin".
  • Was an atrocity Benjamin Hill, Jerusalem. Was rape and murder of a woman by men from the tribe of Benjamin. Tribe of Benjamin refused to extradite the rapists and murderers and bring them to justice before the Tribunal. As a result, all the people of Israel went to war with the tribe of Benjamin. This war killed an estimated forty thousand people of Israel, and another twenty-five thousand of Benjamin. Court also sentenced the remaining members of Benjamin would not be able to get married.
On Tu B'Av court sentenced the girls of Gilead to go and enter into marriage with the tribe of Benjamin, to avoid extinction of the tribe.
 On this day the tribe was saved from Israel.
 This is the source Day of Love ", that on this day the decree was removed from the tribe of Benjamin and could to get married.
  • War in Betar, Bar Kochba revolt were killed far from Israel, the Roman Emperor did not allow remainder to bury the dead. Emperor on Tu B'Av allowed burying those killed in Beitar. Great miracle that, despite the length of time has passed since the killing until they were brought for burial, their bodies did not stink and not rotted.
  • After Solomon's death the kingdom was divided into the kingdom of Judah, the king was a descendant of David, and the kingdom of Israel, was not a descendant of King David.
The first king of Israel was Jeroboam son of Nevat, and to ensure that his subjects will not move to the Kingdom of Judea, he wanted to spare them the trip to Jerusalem, even the three festivals (Passover, Sukkoth, and Shavuot). So he built two giant statues of idolatry, and placed one of Dan (North of Israel) and the other in Bethel, and told the people of Israel when they want sacrifice to G-d would they come and sacrifice to these idols, and not go to Jerusalem. The three pilgrimage festivals celebrated in these places as an alternative to the Temple. And to such rules are saved and will be enforced, he put guards on the road so people will not go to Jerusalem.
Hoshea son of Elah the king, who was later after Jeroboam son of Nevat, abolished the road guards on Tu B'Av. The Israel was allowed to go and celebrate in Jerusalem. The firs Holiday was celebrated; Sukkot.
  • On Tu B'Av finished cut down the wood to campaign in the Temple. Tu B'Av on increasing humidity and moisture wood because there is a big concern to have worms on the wood and cannot be used in the Temple. So be sure to cut down the wood until the fifteenth of Av.
All these events symbolize the love and brotherhood among the people of Israel, so this holiday is called "Valentine's Day" just love the people of Israel.