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Portion Vayeleich

Portion Haazinu

Portion Bracha

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 Portion Eikev
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 Portion Ki-Tezhe

Portion Vaetchanan

rabbi nachman nachmenson, "Saturday Comfort", there has been close to Tu B'Av, which stated: "It was not good days for Israel like fifteen of Av ..." Hashl"ah writes, "the dates of the year, they...

Portion Shoftim

"You shall appoint a king." One of the commandments mentioned in the weekly Torah portion is the appointment a king. G-d commands the people of Israel to appoint a king, and later detailed...

Portion K-Tavo

G-d expects the whole world watching and all creatures, as it is written "G-d's eyes are wandering all over the world", and - it must be 'looking at' special with - Israel, which say the weekly Torah

Portion Nizhavim

Saturday before the Jewish New Year, we are reading the weekly Torah portion the verse "You are standing today all of you." The Baal Shem Tov explains that "the day" is the New Year,

Portion Vayeleich

rabbi nachman nachmenson the head shliach india the commandment of 'Hakhel'. This commandment involved 'gathering together' the Jewish people in the courtyard of the Holy Temple once every seven years

Portion Haazinu

We find in the 'sifri' that Moshe was "close to heaven" and distant from the earth." It was for this reason that he opened the Torah reading of Haazinu by stating, "Listen, heaven, and hear - earth."

Portion Bracha

rabbi nachman nachmenson the headshliach concluding portion of the Torah, describes the events surrounding Moshe's passing and the fact that he was mourned by the "children of Israel" for: thirty days