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Tisha B'Av

The days between the Rosh Chodesh Av (the first day of the month) until Tisha B'Av are called the Nine Days. These days, mourning customs practices, in memory of the difficult days. These days all of three weeks and nine days in general are hard days, so if the Jews have an argument in court, etc., shall not deal with this on these days, but after Tisha B'Av, and then see God willing his labors.

In general, try as much as possible excluding with joy; about pleasure, happy trips etc. In addition:

Should be avoided reconditioning the house that the purpose is glory and pleasure, for example: If the house is whitewashing, you cannot repaint white, etc. but it is allow reconditioning the house if it is very crowded and uncomfortable.

It is not allowed eat meat and chicken, even not vegetables cooked in chicken soup.  If a person not feeling well and he need vitamins, he could eat meat, but it is better chicken.  Not drinking a wine and grape juice. On this days not allow to swim in swimming – pool or in the sea.

It is not allow playing in any of instrument, and hearing music. But if is a teacher for music (for livelihood) it's allowed till the beginning of the week of Tisha B'Av.  
Not allowed to make laundry and wearing clean clothes. You have to prepare clothes for these days by wearing them for a while, to wear every cloth for half hour. Or you could put the cloth on the floor and tread on it. Clothes of young children (up to age 6) littering all the time, allowed washing. Underwear and socks are allowed to wear clean from the laundry. If a boy and girl meet for a match, allowing them to wear clean clothes, and even new clothes when they have no other clothes fit.

No irons except for Sabbath.

Not change bed sheets and tablecloths.

 Not to get a haircut. Women are allowed to modesty, and women's eyebrows allowed. Girl for match is allowed to get a haircut, if necessary.

 Do not buy new things: furniture, clothing, etc. But a woman during her pregnancy can buy new clothes if she does not. And allowed to buy clothes for the bride and groom wedding after Tisha B'Av, if not enough to buy before or not enough time to buy then.

Week of Tisha B'Av should not cut nails during the week, but allowed for the Sabbath.

The Rebbe makes this Saturday in nine days, has an interest to add joy and delight of the Sabbath. You can wash up if necessary, wear festive dress, play and eat meat and wine. And all that even more.

Over the years, "Shabbat Chazon, the Rebbe was a very special Saturday. During sicha, The Rebbe got up and danced several times, the greatest joy.

The main laws of Tisha B'Av   

Mourning begins at noon on the eve of Tisha B'Av. Not walking, not even for air do not study Torah.

During a time of mourning is allowed to learn only sad things: the Book of Lamentations, Jeremiah book which should skip the part of the consolations, the Book of Job, the Book of Lamentations Midrashim, Talmud allowed to learn the chapter "These shave", tales of the section "damage" in Tractate a divorce, etc. . Tales of destruction, tell Yosippon. During the fast day we practices to learn the notes of the Tzemach Tzedek about the Charter of Lamentations.

Eat before the fast "meal before the fast." You can eat only one dish - the custom is to eat a boiled egg dipped in ash.

The fast is beginning in the sunset.

Tisha B'Av is forbidden in all the tortures that are prohibited on Yom Kippur:
Eating and drinking - Pregnant women and nursing mothers should fast. If there is a state of weakness and certainly a danger, you have to ask rabbi and he will decide each case may be. Patient, even without danger, or a weak man lying in bed does not need to fast. A woman after birth until 30 days after birth is considered as a patient, unless she feels strong. Anyone who eats during the fast he could eat only healthy food and not luxury items and candy treats. All matters of eating and drinking should consult with a rabbi, each according to her business.

Washing and lubrication - Do not even put finger into the water if it's for pleasure; But for cleaning allowed. If little kids get dirty, you can wash them. Hand washing, take them only until the end of the fingers. The night of Tisha B'Av wash hands three times alternately to the wrist.  It is allowed to use during the day anti-sweat deodorant.

Wearing shoes – it is allowed to wear wooden shoes, imitation leather, canvas or plastic, but not leather.

Engaging in sexual - Not allowed.

Do not greet or say 'good morning'. If someone greets you not knowing can be answered, but half-heartedly and feebly.

Not blesses, "I did all the needs of" in the blessings of dawn.

In the morning did not work mainly in law, so as to not distract from the mourning. But better not to work all day. It is allowed to cook from midday. Until the noon, are sitting on a low chair or on the floor.

All laws of the nine days continue to the tenth of Av in the afternoon, because that ignited a fire in the Temple on Tisha B'Av night and she was burning up to 10 Av evening. When 10 of Av falls on a Friday - there is ease; beginning this morning may wash, haircut, change the sheets and wash for the Sabbath. Eating meat and drinking wine is allowed only in the afternoon. But the woman after birth she might have been the night of Tisha B'Av to eat meat and wine.