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Long live the Rebbe King messiah forever

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Portion Bereshit

Creation is designed to exist six thousand years, they compared six days G-d created the world: one day = thousand years. This suggests that the Book of Psalms in verse: "For a thousand years for you as the day before, that will pass." I.e.: "day" of G-d is a thousand years.

Says the holy Or Hachaim: six days of creation as six whole days complexities are night and day, as it is written: "And the evening and the morning" (1, 5) - The same day of G-d.

The first five hundred years are a night, five hundred years seconds are a day. According to this account goes from five thousand five hundred (5500) creation of the world begins to illuminate the "morning" of the sixth millennium. And since exile likened the night and redemption likened the day, then when morning of the sixth millennium is shine - came time for illumination of redemption. This is morning of the redemption.

We are now already after the year 5770: more than five thousand seven hundred and seventy years after the creation of the world. We are going after noon of the sixth millennium.

If the year of 5550 writes the "Or Hachaim", it is morning of redemption, it is now, after midday, certainly we should see the light of Revelation has been true and complete redemption.