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News from Chabad India          

New Mikvah in Varanasi

Tishrei in New Delhi

Tishrei in Sri Lanka


Bar Mitzvah at Chabad India

Chabad India usually celebrating other kind of Bar Mitzvah. Jews of different ages - who did not celebrate their bar mitzvah, celebrating their first putting on tefillin and Torah reading at chabad

The terror victim is back to India

Despite Losing Wife, Shliach Returns to India Having recovered from his injuries, Rabbi Shmuel Scharf will reassume his old post as director of New Delhi's Chabad House, nine months after his family

New Mikvah In Varansi

Chabad India of Varnasi is constructing a beautiful woman's Mikvah in memory of Delhi Shlucha Rebbitzen Mira Sharf HY"D.

Tishrei in Sri Lanka

Chabad India in Sri Lanka, directed by the Shliach Rabbi Mendy Crombey, reports the conclusion of a successful Tishrei season, with hundreds of Jews participating in the Chabad activities

Tishrei's activities in New Delhi

High Holidays in the capital of India utilized to the maximum extent. Two Chabad houses in the city, Chabad of India in New Delhi directed by Rabbi Shmuel Scharf (Chabad House for Tourist

CPR course completed

CPR course completion After a "first aid" course was held successfully for about a week in Kfar Chabad for Lubavitch emissaries in India and around the world.

Emissaries of Chabad India First Aid course

Emissaries of Chabad India First Aid course Chabad Emissaries in India are also used for disaster address, Heaven forbid, and in various cases also involved themselves incidents that require...

The Geulah message in India

We arrived to India and didn't waste a moment. Within a short time we found ourselves fabrenging in the Chabad house of India. OK, so there was a Chabad house but what about a permanent emissary?
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