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Portion Pinchas

"Daughters of Zhlufachad son of Hefer comes to Moses... Our father died in the desert and he was not in the community ... Korach Committee, that his sin dead and boys did not have" (27, 1-4)

Before entering the Land of Israel stood before Moses and the presidents   Zhlufchad's daughter, claiming to Moses that their father had died in his sin and has no sons, so they should get the inheritance. They say to Moses, our father did not die because of taking part in the public sin as sin of Korach and his community, but he died because of private sin.

And what was his sin? Rashi brings two opinions:
  1. Who was collecting wood on the Sabbath and was punished by stoning.
  2. Was among those illegal immigration, they wanted to come to Israel  already, they thought the punishment of forty years in the desert was over, when they went to the country by themselves without Moses, peoples have killed them.
The reason the daughter of Zhlufchad not explicitly specify the sin of their father, was from their father's respect. Therefore, they made it clear that there was a pack of complainants or participants Korach, and be understood without saying what his sin was.

But still we have to understand, why it is important to know what the sin of Zhlufchad? His daughters claimed its own argument: Because they have no brothers, they seek to receive the inheritance of their father. What does it matter how or why their father died?

Girls of Zhlufchad relied on G-d promised the people of Israel in Egypt: "I got you ... and bring you to the country ... give it to you a legacy." This promise was given to those who went out from Egypt, but this generation has lost this right because of Spies sin, and then G-d gave the right of inheritance to their children. Claimed the girls, their father also received the promise to inherit the earth. But his sin is not sin related to Israel, but, "his sin is dead", so cannot be completely lost the right to homestead land of Israel, until his daughters are not entitled to anything.

There are two opinions here's sin Zhlufchad:
  1. Desecration of the Sabbath - This is a private person's sin that happened before the giving of the Torah, and therefore is not so grave.
  2. That the "illegal immigrants" - illegal immigrants who gave their lives to go to Israel, so his daughters must have eligible to receive part of the Land of Israel.
The fact, G-d accepted that Zhlufchad's girls' argument proves the strength of the repentance. Just as the devotion of the "illegal immigrants" won the girls' inheritance in the country, so that by correcting the cause of exile, redemption and we will soon and completed by the Messiah.