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Portion Bo


Israel's exodus from Egypt was in a hurry, as they say, "that in a hurry you out of Egypt." Talmud and Midrash said haste was a triple - the Divine Presence haste, haste of the children of Israel, Egypt's haste.

Exodus is considered a model of the future redemption, as it says "like the days of your departure from Egypt show us wonders, but still there are some differences between them. One of them is haste - the redemption from Egypt was in a hurry, and redemption that would not be in haste, as it is written: "No hurry gets out", but it will be calm.

The necessity of haste in the redemption from Egypt was because the people of Israel were immersed at 49 gates of impurity, and the need to extract them out as quickly as possible. Before the Torah was given not yet the people of Israel the power to deal with evil, and the right way was to run away from it. Thus the Exodus was an escape - "the people had fled."

In contrast, the redemption that would come after cleansing the physical world, so you will not need to escape from evil, but on the contrary, the world itself will help to salvation. So will the redemption of rest, and until the "easy life of the Universe."

The difference between the two redemption; simplicity matters; the difference between them: the redemption from Egypt by itself had to be longer than when I was four hundred years, but G-d "skipped the end of" shortened it to two hundred and ten years. So haste is required, because that still would hold further exile.

However, the future redemption will come after finished all the possibilities, and there cannot be exile. So there's no hurry, for exile loses its basis in existence real.

This difference underscores the need to use the time, we eve of redemption. In exile in Egypt, when the children of Israel were supposed to stay there for many years (if not for the 'Jump' of G-d), was the feeling that there is still room for a long time to finish all the work that needs to be done in exile. But now, since all options have run out, and redemption should come at any moment, should use the time, because then there will be no possibility to catch up.
Redemption period is called "years which they say I have no desires." Ends the struggle with evil, and there will be no need to choose well against evil temptations. God takes the evil of the world, and this will be a time of receipt of payment. Work days are just now, when still there is a possibility to fight with the bad and win. And since that salvation should come at any moment, there are no delay things another time, but the work must be completed immediately because these may be the last moments of time of exile and immediately come true and complete redemption.