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Donations & Tithes

There is a famous story from the Midrash that relates to this week's Torah portion.

A very pious land-owner was punctilious about following the Torah's commandment to give one-tenth of his produce to the priests. When this righteous Jew saw his end approaching, he called his son and heir over to him and cautioned, "The Alm-ghty has always been generous with us. I have always given 100 of our 1000 bushels to the priests. You must make sure to do the same."

That year, at harvest-time, the son followed his father's wishes. He gave 100 of the 1000 bushels as the tithe. The following year, however, he decided to "save" a little, and gave only 90 bushels. The next year, strangely enough, the fields only produced 900 bushels. Having incurred such a tremendous loss, the son decided to only give 80 bushels that year. And, low and behold, the following year the fields only produced 800 bushels.

Year after year, this scene repeated itself, until the once lush and prosperous fields were only producing 100 bushels. The son had still not gotten the message. His friends and relatives tried to intervene. They went to visit the son dressed in festive clothes, bringing along food and wine.

"We have come to celebrate your good fortune," they said.

"You mock me and my change of fate," he told them angrily.
"No," they contradicted him. "We have come to celebrate your elevated state," they said somewhat sarcastically. "You see, in the past, your father gave 10% of his produce, 100 bushels, to the priests, and the rest remained for him. Now, it seems that G-d has elevated you to the status of priest. He is giving you the 100 bushels and keeping the rest for Himself."
No one ever became poor from giving charity. By giving charity we are assured that G-d's blessings will also be bestowed upon us generously.