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Purim Laws

What happened on Purim?

Purim celebrates the memory of the miracle of the time of King Ahasuerus. Was an evil man named "Haman" and he persuaded King Ahasuerus to kill all Jews on the thirteenth of Adar. God did a miracle for the Jews and the decree was canceled because of Esther.

And thirteenth day of Adar, instead of the Gentiles kill Jews, Jews were permitted to kill non-Jews, and hanged Haman on the gallows with his ten sons of Haman.

In honor the miracle that is we celebrate Purim.

The name "Purim: Hebrew word 'Pur' means a piece of pottery or stone were cast for state decisions (like a raffle). Haman cast Pur to select a date to exterminate the Jews - 13th of Adar. The holiday is named after the Pur dropped Haman.

Purim practices

Portion 'Zachor'

On the Sabbath before Purim, reading from the Torah, in addition to the weekly parasha, Portion 'Zachor' (remember) which tells the commandment wiping out Amalek. Reason for this reading is: Haman was a descendant of Amalek, and therefore commanded to wipe out Amalek from the face of the earth.

'Ester fast'

Thirteenth day of Adar is a fast day. The fast is commemorating the fast by fasting of Esther and the Jews of Shushan, before Ester went to Ahasuerus for asking to change the decree to destroy the Jews. Fasting, Fast of Esther begins at dawn and end with the stars comes out.

Reading the Megillah

The night of the thirteenth of Adar after the end of the fast read the Megillah (Book of Esther). Before reading the Megillah should bless three blessings:
  • "Blessed are you, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with his commandments, and commanded us concerning the reading of the Megillah".
  • "Blessed are you, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who performed miracles for our forefathers in those days. At this time".
  • "Blessed are you, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion".
In the Blessing after a meal and in Amidah prayer add the 'the miracles' ... Days of Mordechai and Ester...
There are four main commandment on Purim:

• Reading of Megillah - twice
• Send servings
• gifts to the poor
• feasting and joy
The second time we are read the Megillah on Purim during the day - the 14th of Adar.

Send servings

Customary; to send packets to each other. man to man, and woman to another. To increase joy and love of Israel, to refute the claim of Haman: "There is a diffuse and disparate nation" We often love of Israel and sending servings and gifts to the poor.

Servings delivery minimum is two different types of food blessings, and be ready to eat without the need for cooking / baking.

Gifts to the poor

should make sure to make happy even the poor people who are unable to give a banquet. "Everyone who asked, are giving to him" is a degree of charity on Purim.
By law every person should give charity on this day for two people in need, or transfer an amount of money to those who distribute them to the needy. Maimonides states that "it was better to increase gifts to the poor a lot of dining pleasure."

Feasting and joy

As stated in the Megillah, the days of Purim were determined to be "days of feasting and gladness."

Despite the holiday begins from the night, the Talmud states the mitzvah meal is actually during the day of the holiday. As part of the feast and the joy commandments, is mentioned in the Talmud commanded to drink wine and get drunk "until he does not know the difference between 'Cursed be Haman' and 'blessed be Mordechai'", because the miracle is done through the banquet of wine held by Esther to Ahasuerus. Different opinions were voiced of; what is the duty getting drunk? Different opinions were voiced on the question of the degree of getting drunk, and some who believed that constant mitzvah from theory rejected. Some argue that the mitzva valid but there is no need to fully drunkenness but enough to reach sleep, when sleep is not the person realizes the difference between cursed Haman and blessed Mordechai.

Shushan Purim

As determined in the Megillah, walled cities from Joshua Ben Nun celebrate Purim on 15 Adar.

Law established by the Sages determined different times to mark the holiday of Purim: the cities are not walled ("Frazim") set the holiday fourteenth of Adar, and is called "Purim Dfrazim". Cities according to tradition, they are surrounded by a wall from Joshua Bin Nun (eg Jerusalem) and Shushan (according to Jewish tradition is the city Hmadn), Purim is celebrated on the fifteenth of the month, what is called Shushan Purim (or, after Yiddish, Shushan Purim).

Ancient cities where there is doubt whether there was a wall since the days of Joshua son of Nun celebrate Purim on both days, reasonable doubt, and not blessing on the Megillah reading, but on fourteenth, since it while reading most cities. Between the cities for which there is doubt that they most ancient cities in Israel, such as Zephath, Tiberias, Hebron and Jaffa. Tiberias is a special case because that question for her is not about being surrounded by a wall since the days of Joshua, but whether the Sea of Galilee is considered as a wall of the city. There are places where renewed ancient Jewish community, such as Hebron and Shiloh, which also marks the festival for two days. Even some cities outside Israel celebrate Purim for two days, including Izmir Turkey, Halabi Syria and Bagdd Iraq.